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DAY 1 The ride to Nyaung Shwe embarks when entering the taxi in the ever-busy city of Rangoon. Through the roads, packed with cars, the taxi finds its way to the chaotic, but atmospheric bus-station. Shan Noodles are ordered as preparation for the upcoming visit and the gentleness of this state, almost already can be tasted. The twelve-hour drive goes by quickly in the comfortable bus, enjoying some movies or trying to obtain the necessary hours of daily sleep. Occasionally, the bus goes&nb...
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The Asian swift is the bird whose nest, fashioned from mud and the bird’s saliva and reduced to soup, is the piece de resistance of many a Chinese banquet. These birds are ubiquitous throughout the Andaman Sea. Mostly they build their nests high in inaccessible cliffs, challenging the rapacious nest-collectors to risk life and limb on rickety bamboo scaffolding high above jagged rocks at water’s edge. Not so the swifts of Myeik. They prefer the convenience and comfort of urban li...

Kayah is the smallest and one the least developed states of Myanmar (Burma), therefore almost the most pristine in its physical condition, dotted with virgin jungles and wildlife. Situated in southeast Myanmar bordering Thailand, there are various ways to reachKayah capital Loikaw. We can fly from Yangon direct or via Heho or we can take a bus from Yangon or Taunggyi, or we can enter from Thailand through the Border Posts. Loikaw old town is small enough that we could explore the streets in ...

DISCOVER THE ANCIENT BUDDHIST KINGDOM OF ARAKAN WITH EXPEDITIONS MYANMAR, where untouched local and spiritual ways of life still permeate. The expedition will take you through timeless travel to Sittwe, and her exotic market experience, and on an unforgettable boat journey up the Kaladan river to reach the capital city of Mrauk-U, the ancient Kingdom's epicenter of culture and power, whose unique monuments remain to welcome and entrance the modern visitor.

As the morning sun gently hits the beautiful stupa-strewn landscape of Bagan, we embark on an exploration of the vibrant surrounding village life. In the comfort of a sturdy 4x4, go back in time to experience the simple life as we visit the skilled blacksmiths of Nyaung Gyi village, the traditional local craftsmen and their bustling workshops in Se Ywa village, and the part-time potters who farm the lush fields of Taung Kong village. With a unique insight into the daily lives of the locals an...

The daily public market at Mogok, in the heart of Myanmar's gem-mining country, is reached by a smooth and scenic 3.5 hour ride from Pyin Oo Lwin (the former Maymyo). Buyers with their examining tools sit at tables in the open air, while sellers approach them with raw gems, precious and semi-precious, such as rubies, sapphires and spinels. The rolling hills beyond the town look down on a lakeside scene of gentle haggling. The open air gems market at Mogok. Buyers come from around M...